My Credit Card was Stolen from My Apartment Mailbox

Has this ever happen to you? You've been waiting for your credit card to arrive in the mailbox and it seems to be taking too long, chances are you're right. Recently one of our supporters shared a story about identity theft which include the theft of a new Mastercard from the apartment building mailboxes. Theft is only one of the many reasons some individuals get caught up in the criminal justice system. It may be that the thief was following shallow ambitions or really simply not using their talents in a legal manner. A great artist might fall on hard times and choose to counterfeit or they could find a job cleaning public restrooms. The decisions we make belong to the decision-maker and when you've made a bad decision, it can sometimes take months or even years to get back on track. The Oasis Center supporter mentioned earlier was taken by surprise when an email was received saying "Thank you for activating your new credit card."...